Nina and The Foundation
Nina Karlinsky LOVED life. She lived every day to its fullest and she rarely settled for less. She was a nurturing, competitive, insightful, direct, driven, athletic, funny, talented, and bright little girl who grew up to be all of that, and then courageous and strong beyond what anyone could have ever imagined.
Nina graduated high school in 2016, valedictorian and scholar athlete, and began at the University of Florida (UF) as an Industrial Engineering major, where she was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, a Campus Diplomat, and an Emerging Leader for Dance Marathon.
Three weeks after Dance Marathon, 2017 and two weeks before finals of spring semester, Nina was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She began treatment and was never able to return to school. However, she was determined to stay involved in Dance Marathon to continue raising money for the kids being treated at UF Shands Children’s Hospital. Despite her own illness, Nina was chosen to be a Family Relations Captain for Dance Marathon, 2018. She had the joy of getting to know her Miracle Child and his family, and was able to attend Dance Marathon, 2018.
Nina passed away in May, only six weeks after Dance Marathon, 2018. Within two months, her family and friends decided to continue Nina’s efforts to raise money for the kids through Dance Marathon, creating the Nina Karlinsky Memorial Team. Since then, the team has raised over $100,000 for research, education, equipment and services for the kids and families facing serious illnesses.
The For Nina Foundation, Inc
The For Nina Foundation, Inc was officially established in February, 2022. Out of love for Nina and the way that she inspired so many, the foundation's goal is to continue to fight childhood diseases and support those families impacted by them. Our fundraising efforts have grown out of the work that Nina started. Your generous donations, purchases of For Nina merchandise, and your support at events help this mission.